Build Instructions

Official website for vex iq educational and competitive building projects.

Onekit Projects

Free instructions and programming descriptions by Dave Parker.

Game Manual

Rules for VEX IQ robotics competition game, Rapid Relay!


Sign up to help run a competition through the REC Foundation.


The timeline of VEX IQ game reveals...



Find out the scoring for the newest game, Rapid Relay!


What is Vex Robotics?

All about the engineering design process...

1. Design

    The first step in any game is to understand the game and identify the problem that must be solved. This problem can be broken down into smaller, more approachable problems. For example, a team might start with understanding the scoring and game rules first, then move on to figuring out a game strategy. One of the best ways to identify the problem is to have students think about questions to answer about strategy. What are the ways to score points? Does the robot need to move fast to score points? What are some ways the robot can pick up the scoring objects?

    In later iterations of the design process, this step might mean identifying something on the robot that can be improved. Whether that be a faulty drivetrain mechanism or an inefficiency in the programming strategy, students are honing down on more specific parts of the game. After identifying the problem, they can define constraints and requirements for an optimized solution. It is important to note that this step is crucial to the entire Engineering Design Process, because without a solid understanding of the basic problem, time may be wasted working on irrelevant ideas.

2. Brainstorm & Evaluate

    In this step, students will research and think about possible solutions to the problem. A great research method can be looking through past competitions to see how other teams built their robot to solve a specific task. You might notice some aspects of a previous competition are the same as some of the current competition, therefore, you can take inspiration from how the teams solved those problems. Another way is to look at real-world examples similar to those in the game. An example I used in my teachings was prompting students to think about how people are transported vertically. From that many of them came up with great ideas like elevators, scissor lifts that construction workers use, and rock climbing pulleys.

    Once several ideas have been brainstormed, teams should objectively evaluate the pros and cons of each idea. The end goal is to find the best solution that fits the problem. A decision table covering the strengths of each design regarding specific criteria can help pick a solution. Another way is to test out the strengths and weaknesses of each idea and then decide from there.

3. Build & Program

    Time to build and program the ideas that the team came up with! Generally builds for both code and robots start basic and evolve into more optimized designs as students follow through multiple prototypes of the engineering design process.

4. Test & Observe

    Test the solution to see if it solves the problem highlighted in the first step. Testing procedures should be well documented to include quantitative measures of what doesn’t work, ideas on why it might not work, and what works. Additionally, multiple rounds of testing are crucial to achieve accurate results. This could mean multiple runs of a specific strategy or multiple tests of a mechanism in different scenarios. After this stage, the design process cycle can be repeated on whatever needs to be improved.

5. Notebook

    The engineering notebook is a detailed, written record that documents the entire engineering design process. It includes all steps taken by the team from the initial identification of the challenge to the final testing and refinement of the solution. Notes of the robot's code, placements of sensors, major design considerations, pictures or drawings of prototypes, and data collection from testing are all important aspects of a notebook, Additionally, the team should cover their project management practices such as the use of personnel, financial, and time resources.

    A good notebook allows someone unfamiliar with the team’s work to recreate the robot design and replicate the experiments with similar results based on the team’s documentation.

Contact Me


    Hello everyone! The purpose behind Requiem was to create a resource for both students and those new to the robotics scene who are possibly interested in joining or teaching. I'm Ethan Ngo and I have a love for technology and helping others. These passions led me to teach robotics at Magikid for two years. Currently, I am a junior studying computer science at California State Polytechnic University, Pomona. In the future, I hope to build a career in software engineering where I can leverage my skills in coding as well as my enthusiasm for creating impactful solutions.